Ground of Aces FREE DEMO out now! - Steam Festival TactiCon 2024

Hello commanders, we have something special for you: For the first time ever, a free public demo of GROUND OF ACES is available on Steam!

This is because our game is part of TactiCon 2024, a Steam digital festival all about strategy games. We are very honoured that Ground of Aces is part of a selection that includes titles like Hearts of Iron IV and Manor Lords.

This demo is based on our Alpha 2 version, which means this is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS version of the game because we are currently in the alpha development stage. Please keep in mind that many systems are incomplete and that more content is yet to follow. You can expect around 2-3 hours of gameplay in this demo, depending on your experience with base building games. The demo will be available for a limited time.

To celebrate our inclusion in Tacticon, Marina, a trainee who visited our studio for a few days, made a new illustration for us, inspired by the festival main visual:

Also check out our new trailer, made exclusively for TactiCon:

We hope you enjoy this demo and we can't wait to hear your feedback!


What About Historical Accuracy? Hear our Game Designer of Ground of Aces Discuss this Question in this TactiCon Panel


Surprise update: ALPHA 2 of Ground of Aces is available now!